Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Short and Sweet

I just wanted to let you all know that my surgery yesterday went really well. The doctor said that I had a "grumpy"! Right at the moment my brain is still non functioning because of pain killers, but the doctor is wanting me to take the rest of the week off. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day I will be able to write in more detail. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I am off to go eat some real food, yeah! (Just mash potatoes, but hey, way better than a whole day of chicken broth and Jello-O.)

Flowers that my Sweetie sent me after surgery.                      
How I had to sleep the first day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Miss Dunn,
    We all hope you get better!!!!!! Mr. Dunn said you got surgery and we all hope you will recooperate.
